
Wisqoq is currently provincially listed as "threatened" and is on the list of species to be assessed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).

Provincial General Status Rankings

Wisqoq is designated as a Yellow species in Nova Scotia (any species known to be, or believed to be, particularly sensitive to human activities or natural events).

International Sub-national (S-Rank)

It has a provincial general status rank of S3 (Uncommon throughout its range in the province, or found only in a restricted range, even if abundant in at some locations).

Other International Sub-national (S-Ranks)

Wisqoq is ranked as S5 (secure) in Ontario and New Brunswick, S4/S5 (apparently secure to secure) in Quebec, S3 (Vulnerable) in Manitoba and Newfoundland, and S2 (imperiled) in Prince Edward Island.

National Legal Status


International Global Ranks (G-Rank)

A global status rank of G5 (Demonstrably secure globally).

Learn More

From Nova Scotia Species at Risk Conservation and Recovery website:

Provincial General Status Rankings

The Nova Scotia General Status Rankings are based on a set of criteria that are evaluated by a group of scientists and wildlife experts. NS General Status ranks are as follows:

Red – any species known to be, or believed to be, at risk.

Yellow – any species known to be, or believed to be, particularly sensitive to human activities or natural events.

Green – any species known to be, or believed to be, not at risk.

Grey – Indeterminate species, insufficient information to determine status

International Sub-national (S-Rank)

S1 – Extremely rare throughout its range in the province (typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals). May be especially vulnerable to extirpation.
S2 – Rare throughout its range in the province (6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals). May be vulnerable to extirpation due to rarity or other factors.

S3 – Uncommon throughout its range in the province, or found only in a restricted range, even if abundant in at some locations. (21 to 100 occurrences).

S4 – Usually widespread, fairly common throughout its range in the province, and apparently secure with many occurrences, but the Element is of long-term concern (e.g. watch list). (100+occurrences).

S5 – Demonstrably widespread, abundant, and secure throughout its range in the province, and essentially ineradicable under present conditions.

National Legal Status

Species listed as at risk by COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) are approved by the appropriate minister and are included on the Schedule 1 which means they are protected under the national Species at Risk Act (SARA).

The COSEWIC status is assigned based on an assessment of biological factors and rigorous assessment criteria, followed by classification into categories based on level of risk. Status categories are as follows:

Endangered – a species facing imminent extirpation or extinction.

Threatened – a species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed.

Special Concern – (formerly “vulnerable”) a species of special concern because of characteristics that make it particularly sensitive to human activities or natural events.

International Global Ranks (G-Rank)

A standardised element ranking system that has evolved over 23 years with input from hundreds of scientists is used by the Nature Conservancy and the Conservation Data Centres. The ranks are assigned by committees of experts, the Conservation Data Centre and provincial biologists.

G1 – Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences or less than 1000 individuals) or because of extreme vulnerability to extinction due to some natural or man-made factor.

G2 – Imperiled globally because of rarity (6 to 20 occurrences or less than 3000 individual) or because of vulnerability to extinction due to some natural or man-made factor.

G3 – Either very rare and local throughout its range (21 to 100 occurrences or less than 10,000 individuals) or locally in a restricted range or vulnerable to extinction from other factors.

G4 – Apparently secure globally (may be rare in parts of its range).

G5 – Demonstrably secure globally.

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